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Collecting Future Card Sorter Masteries Trading Pending Trades Logs


Collecting Future Card Sorter Masteries Trading Pending Trades Logs


List Generator Img Grabber Word Counter eTCG


Site Name :: hashiras @
Owner :: Elijah
Open since :: 09.01.2022
Hosting :: Cami
Template by :: Sky Ninja
Credits :: anliah
Admin :: etcg

Activity Logs

01/08/2024 ------------
- Upcoming Vote: birthdaytussle02, chthonicgods16, bandpractice08, akanyatsura17

12/23/2023 ------------
- Deck Release (2023-12-24): grandcarnival01, grandcarnival02, gothicprincesses12, gothicprincesses13, anencounter10
- Deck Release (2023-12-17): sunlitgarden02, sunlitgarden03, spaceinvader01, spaceinvader02, worldscollide12
- Wishes #16 (2023-12-17): poorlittlebear18, sunlitgarden01, hideandseek15, sarahirine03, angels05, readytofight07, smileprincesses13, starmakerproduction11, talkingflowers19, kingoftheforest20
- Wishes #15 (2023-12-17): dancingwithcasita13, dancingwithcasita14, aquariumadventure13, aquariumadventure14, willothewisps07
- Wrecked Artwork (): sakuraflight14, crimsonrain01, revolutionnaire08, newyearfireworks01, astralradiance11, +5 films
- World Tour: hanamipicnic06, sunlitgarden18
- Toggler: irisirine05, aquariumadventure05
- Tic Tac Toe (Won): noblevampire02, irisirine03
- Memory: crimsonrain12, surprisekiss03, raceinthecity05, spaceinvader13, bebopcrew02, +2 films
- Jan Ken Pon (Won): birthdaytussle04, aflickofawand03, revolutionnaire15, silverring03, +4 films
- Garapon (Orange Ball): aquicknap17, autumnbreeze03, storm10, outlaws11, outlaws13, autumnbreeze01, tanabatawishes02, floragala04, kingoftheforest05, +5 films
- Upcoming Vote: calmwaters03, inazumamoonlight02, cinemadate09, clocktower07
- Lottery (Three): acottageinthewoods14, smileprincesses16, bebopcrew15, crimsonrain07, rarestflower05, loveless11, +8 films
- Freebies: poisonivy02, witchrepose14, kemonogami08, outlaws07, storm07, animaldoodles10, bebopcrew04, sistergrimm09, ironman07, loveless04, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: traslidahighway13, cinemadate06, +4 films
- Black Jack: sorrowfulkusabi20, dreameaters16, classicparty04, autumnbreeze19
- Daily Login (2023-12-24): irisirine07

12/16/2023 ------------
- Wishes #14 (2023-12-10): intothedeepforest08, aquariumadventure08, dancingwithcasita09, aquariumadventure09, intothedeepforest09, dancingwithcasita10
- Wrecked Artwork (): inazumamoonlight15, sparklingharmony09, sarahirine14, rarestflower01, honeysweets11, +5 films
- World Tour: goldencontract13, dreameaters15
- Toggler: clocktower19, afternoonsiesta03
- Tic Tac Toe (Won): dreaminginsakura14, chthonicgods07
- Reaction (Jackpot): poisonivy09, bandpractice07, honeysweets17, riverplay01, rarestflower12, witchrepose13, papawolfandthepuppy05, calmwaters14, aquariumadventure06, tallneckruins20, +5 films
- Memory: aquapol10, starsweets12, kemonogami05, afternoonsiesta03, starsweets03, +2 films
- Jan Ken Pon (Draw): sistergrimm12, raceinthecity14, +2 films
- Garapon (Green Ball): sparklingharmony03, springrain07, nightfestival13, amethysteyes03, traslidahighway12, irisirine15, autumngaze05, +3 films
- Lottery (Three): aquapol13, familypicnic13, ironman20, riverplay20, kingoftheforest12, astralradiance05, nightfestival07, thesystemsplayer05, newdimension14, dogwalking07, stainedglassrose05, thesystemsplayer09, +16 films
- Freebies: dogwalking02, revolutionnaire20, papawolfandthepuppy17, sorrowfulkusabi07, ironman10, harleyquinn10, surprisekiss13, gambit03, starsweets08, talkingflowers11, angels19, aquariumadventure10, chthonicgods13, wisdom13, afternoontea01, willothewisps14, rarestflower09, ariskybite15, rabbitmeadow13, thelichking06, +10 films
- Card Puzzle: raceinthecity18, newmail12, rabbitmeadow19, chthonicgods04, +8 films

12/15/2023 ------------
- Black Jack: riverplay19, awakening08, sharktank08, traslidahighway01, autumnbreeze04, cinemadate16, autumnbreeze04, awakening12
- Daily Login (2023-12-16): letitout05

12/09/2023 ------------
- Level Up (2. 8mm): dancingwithcasita08, autumngaze20, talkingflowers08, +1 camera, +5 films
- Donations (bizarresummer): newmail06, +2 films
- Games (Higher or Lower): dreameaters19, calmwaters18, +4 films
- Daily Login (2023-12-10): astralradiance12

12/03/2023 ------------
- Deck Mastery (hideandseek): dancingwithcasita06, dancingwithcasita07, crimsonrain10, familypicnic01, aquicknap14, angels05, tanabatawishes16, +5 films
- Deck Mastery (inazumamoonlight): hideandseek04, hideandseek20, aquicknap01, sharktank04, silverring04, traslidahighway13, kemonogami03, +5 films
- Deck Release (2023-12-03): dancingwithcasita03, dancingwithcasita05, bandpractice11, bandpractice12, storm14
- Wishes #12 (2023-12-03): aquariumadventure06, tanabatawishes05, dancingwithcasita02, aquariumadventure07, dancingwithcasita01, tanabatawishes06, willothewisps06
- Wishes #11 (2023-12-03): sorrowfulkusabi13, positionzero10, dancingwithcasita04, colorsofthewind06, colorsofthewind09, crimsonrain06, talkingflowers02
- War: silverring13, positionzero19
- Treasure Hunt: familypicnic09, poisonivy16, nightfestival16
- Telepathy: sakuraflight08, clocktower01, ironman13, dogwalking11
- Puzzle: letitout03, sarahirine02, +4 films
- Peeptin: classicparty09, dreaminginsakura19, irisirine05, springrain05
- Lucky Match (Three Matches): newmail05, sarahirine02, positionzero05, angels06, +5 films
- Hangman (): sparklingharmony08, sorrowfulkusabi01, +4 films
- Upcoming Vote: heavenlyreception02, stainedglassrose04, tanabatawishes06, afternoonsiesta14
- Lottery (Three): calmwaters09, dogwalking16, dancingwithcasita11, newdimension13, floragala05, crimsonrain05, +8 films
- Freebies: boyband17, dogwalking20, sharktank02, newyearfireworks20, surprisekiss15, nightfestival03, sorrowfulkusabi14, ironman12, goldencontract10, dogwalking19, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: inazumamoonlight04, surprisekiss07, +4 films
- Card Claim: Claimed honeysweets11 and aquariumadventure16
- Black Jack: harleyquinn07, awakening12, starlightwalk14, howlingguitarist20
- Daily Login (2023-12-04): letitout01

11/30/2023 ------------
- Wrecked Artwork (): positionzero06, hanamipicnic03, riverplay10, honeysweets09, wisdom15, +5 films
- World Tour: amethysteyes08, nightfestival17
- Toggler: floragala18, harleyquinn19
- Tic Tac Toe (Won): silverring20, aflickofawand03
- Memory: starlightwalk15, newdimension01, inazumamoonlight12, poorlittlebear07, sparklingharmony17, +2 films
- Garapon (Green Ball): springrain19, aquicknap19, gambit07, starmakerproduction15, rabbitmeadow12, sistergrimm16, honeysweets10, +3 films
- Upcoming Vote: positionzero05, classicparty14, traslidahighway09, poorlittlebear03
- Lottery (Three): starsweets11, thelichking13, gambit07, loveless13, dreaminginsakura17, letitout02, +8 films
- Freebies: sharktank05, silverring01, sparklingharmony03, acottageinthewoods02, howlingguitarist13, dogwalking04, hanamipicnic09, aquariumadventure12, traslidahighway04, newmail17, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: talkingflowers09, traslidahighway03, +4 films
- Black Jack: awakening11, birthdaytussle06, springrain20, inazumamoonlight03

11/29/2023 ------------
- Games (Higher or Lower): papawolfandthepuppy10, aquicknap20, +4 films
- Deck Mastery (newyearfireworks): inazumamoonlight17, inazumamoonlight19, masterandpet11, dogwalking20, ariskybite11, calmwaters08, afternoontea03, +5 films
- Daily Login (2023-11-30): newyearfireworks17,

11/17/2023 ------------
- Daily Login (2023-11-17): ariskybite20

11/12/2023 ------------
- Deck Release (2023-11-12): aquariumadventure04, aquariumadventure05, nightfestival13, nightfestival17, silverring07
- Wishes #6 (2023-11-12): afternoontea16, afternoontea06, talkingflowers09, rarestflower06, goldencontract12, newyearfireworks07, ariskybite13, outlaws06, newdimension01, starsweets15
- Wishes #5 (2023-11-12): tanabatawishes03, hideandseek09, inazumamoonlight14, inazumamoonlight15, tanabatawishes04, newyearfireworks14, newyearfireworks16, aquariumadventure02, willothewisps04, hideandseek13, aquariumadventure03, willothewisps05
- Freebies #5 (2023-11-12): newyearfireworks11, newyearfireworks13, dreaminginsakura07, dreaminginsakura17, afternoontea12
- Freebies #4 (2023-11-12): letitout16, amethysteyes14, starsweets09
- Freebies #3 (2023-11-12): inazumamoonlight10, inazumamoonlight12, hideandseek06, newyearfireworks07, willothewisps02, newyearfireworks09, intothedeepforest07, willothewisps03, aquariumadventure01, hideandseek07
- Games (Higher or Lower): hanamipicnic17, loveless14, +4 films
- Gift (Milestone): eli-prejoiner
- Games (Higher or Lower): dreameaters10, traslidahighway15, +4 films
- Wrecked Artwork (): sistergrimm20, papawolfandthepuppy05, sorrowfulkusabi13, hideandseek18, sparklingharmony18, +5 films
- World Tour: beautifulblossoms03, floragala09
- Toggler: papawolfandthepuppy04, howlingguitarist12
- Tic Tac Toe (Won): newmail11, hanamipicnic02
- Memory: aflickofawand03, acottageinthewoods11, howlingguitarist08, inazumamoonlight05, rabbitmeadow16, +2 films
- Garapon (Green Ball): colorsofthewind15, nightfestival01, willothewisps12, traslidahighway16, autumnbreeze10, autumnbreeze18, bebopcrew20, +3 films
- Upcoming Vote: hanamipicnic07, afternoontea16, awakening14, riverplay17
- Lottery (Three): willothewisps15, floragala17, newyearfireworks18, letitout05, sakuraflight09, sakuraflight07, +8 films
- Freebies: silverring03, bebopcrew07, rarestflower16, goldencontract03, tallneckruins01, kemonogami16, rabbitmeadow19, raceinthecity15, silverring11, hanamipicnic14, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: sistergrimm03, intothedeepforest19, +4 films
- Black Jack: awakening13, tanabatawishes17, boyband05, positionzero08
- Daily Login (2023-11-13): papawolfandthepuppy09

11/05/2023 ------------
- Deck Release (2023-11-05): tanabatawishes01, tanabatawishes02, talkingflowers12, talkingflowers13, noblevampire12
- Wishes #4 (2023-11-05): newyearfireworks05, newyearfireworks06, inazumamoonlight08, chthonicgods13, intothedeepforest06, inazumamoonlight09, hideandseek03
- Wishes #3 (2023-11-05): inazumamoonlight06, inazumamoonlight07, willothewisps01
- Slot Machine (Tier 2): starlightwalk12, amethysteyes18, ironman02, inazumamoonlight05, +4 films
- Distress Call: newdimension09, hanamipicnic03, +4 films
- Treasure Hunt: boyband14, goldencontract02, floragala14
- Telepathy: afternoonsiesta04, springrain02, aflickofawand06, howlingguitarist11
- Puzzle: newyearfireworks08, traslidahighway12, +4 films
- Peeptin: aflickofawand16, kingoftheforest07, afternoonsiesta16, beautifulblossoms12
- Lucky Match (Zero Match): masterandpet04, +2 films
- Hangman (): positionzero18, sparklingharmony10, +4 films
- Coin Flip: starsweets07, springrain17, +2 films
- Upcoming Vote: thelichking19, honeysweets01, aflickofawand09, harleyquinn04
- Lottery (Three): papawolfandthepuppy07, papawolfandthepuppy16, starmakerproduction10, harleyquinn15, traslidahighway11, loveless18, +8 films
- Freebies: thelichking11, starmakerproduction03, hanamipicnic17, sistergrimm07, starsweets16, howlingguitarist19, beautifulblossoms11, letitout11, sistergrimm04, tanabatawishes12, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: goldencontract14, newyearfireworks20, +4 films
- Card Claim: Claimed newyearfireworks03 and acottageinthewoods17
- Black Jack: boyband03, noblevampire17, rabbitmeadow02, dogwalking10
- Daily Login (2023-11-06): newyearfireworks12

11/02/2023 ------------
- Puzzle Series (Round 5): newyearfireworks02, kemonogami10, positionzero16, rabbitmeadow01, riverplay11, +4 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 4): acottageinthewoods05, hanamipicnic17, papawolfandthepuppy18, dreaminginsakura19, +3 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 3): thelichking03, rabbitmeadow03, colorsofthewind20, +2 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 2): thelichking13, thelichking01, +1 film
- Puzzle Series (Round 1): thelichking02
- Daily Login (2023-11-03): aquicknap03

11/01/2023 ------------
- Event Cards: ec-112023, ec-25members, ec-grandopening, ec-layout01, ec-autumn2023, ec-halloween2023

10/29/2023 ------------
- Deck Release (2023-10-29): intothedeepforest02, intothedeepforest03, letitout01, letitout02, autumngaze13
- Wishes #2 (2023-10-29 00:00:00): inazumamoonlight02, hideandseek01, inazumamoonlight05, newyearfireworks02, intothedeepforest01, newyearfireworks01, hideandseek02
- Wrecked Artwork (): sakuraflight19, kingoftheforest11, newmail06, traslidahighway09, intothedeepforest05, +5 films
- World Tour: kemonogami15, riverplay18
- Toggler: colorsofthewind03, sakuraflight06
- Tic Tac Toe (Won): sparklingharmony10, intothedeepforest04
- Reaction (One): howlingguitarist03, thelichking10, +1 film
- Memory: dogwalking09, newyearfireworks10, traslidahighway06, intothedeepforest01, acottageinthewoods15, +2 films
- Jan Ken Pon (Draw): starmakerproduction05, kemonogami06, +2 films
- Garapon (Green Ball): starsweets06, hideandseek15, harleyquinn11, hideandseek08, positionzero09, letitout08, hideandseek05, +3 films
- Upcoming Vote: awakening07, starlightwalk10, thelichking18, letitout19, kemonogami12, beautifulblossoms01, traslidahighway18, floragala11
- Lottery (Three): ironman14, sakuraflight04, dogwalking14, beautifulblossoms17, afternoontea13, tallneckruins06, amethysteyes06, aflickofawand19, loveless03, boyband16, masterandpet20, starmakerproduction15, +16 films
- Freebies: sakuraflight08, aquicknap18, dogwalking10, goldencontract09, poorlittlebear07, colorsofthewind10, poisonivy01, dogwalking07, boyband09, newdimension06, intothedeepforest09, kingoftheforest14, ironman18, chthonicgods15, ironman15, harleyquinn20, harleyquinn07, springrain20, starmakerproduction03, poisonivy03, +10 films
- Card Puzzle: birthdaytussle05, outlaws10, boyband10, honeysweets09, +8 films
- Card Claim: Claimed inazumamoonlight04 and afternoontea02
- Black Jack: kingoftheforest19, bebopcrew10, acottageinthewoods04, newdimension20, thelichking06, beautifulblossoms11, positionzero10, howlingguitarist17
- Daily Login (2023-10-30): ironman04

10/22/2023 ------------
- Daily Login (2023-10-23): outlaws14

10/21/2023 ------------
- Daily Login (2023-10-22): masterandpet10

10/20/2023 ------------
- Event Cards: ec-102023, ec-50decks, ec-prejoin
- Services (Referral): traslidahighway19
- Gift (Starter Pack Bonus): willothewisps15, aquicknap04, beautifulblossoms16, poorlittlebear04, traslidahighway20, +10 films
- Wishes (Spell Word): newdimension11, awakening07, +2 films
- Slot Machine (Tier 1): howlingguitarist05, rabbitmeadow09, +2 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 5): ariskybite02, dreameaters13, starmakerproduction09, boyband05, poorlittlebear08, +4 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 4): colorsofthewind12, sakuraflight13, poorlittlebear06, acottageinthewoods11, +3 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 3): awakening07, hideandseek15, loveless17, +2 films
- Puzzle Series (Round 2): aflickofawand11, tallneckruins01, +1 film
- Puzzle Series (Round 1): riverplay08
- Inventory: Claimed awakening17, starlightwalk10, newmail11, rarestflower13, starsweets06, sakuraflight14, ironman01, aflickofawand12
- Distress Call: awakening02, awakening07, +4 films
- Treasure Hunt: masterandpet19, thelichking06, traslidahighway04
- Telepathy: sparklingharmony08, hideandseek17, sorrowfulkusabi01, ariskybite19
- Puzzle: newdimension18, inazumamoonlight16, +4 films
- Peeptin: dogwalking03, poorlittlebear16, hideandseek10, masterandpet17
- Lucky Match (Zero Match): newdimension10, +2 films
- Hangman (): birthdaytussle10, rarestflower05, +4 films
- Upcoming Vote: sorrowfulkusabi16, beautifulblossoms05, floragala14, loveless17
- Lottery (Three): kemonogami07, birthdaytussle01, kemonogami18, sorrowfulkusabi20, autumnbreeze06, tallneckruins14, +8 films
- Freebies: masterandpet02, masterandpet02, dreaminginsakura03, beautifulblossoms14, colorsofthewind03, goldencontract01, honeysweets08, papawolfandthepuppy16, goldencontract08, hideandseek19, +5 films
- Card Puzzle: papawolfandthepuppy11, newmail19, +4 films
- Black Jack: dogwalking12, kingoftheforest18, hideandseek14, birthdaytussle17
- Daily Login (2023-10-21): howlingguitarist04

10/19/2023 ------------
- Daily Login (2023-10-20): honeysweets03
- Daily Login (2023-10-19): hideandseek14

10/17/2023 ------------
- Starter Pack: inazumamoonlight11, inazumamoonlight18, inazumamoonlight03, riverplay10, dreaminginsakura16, howlingguitarist17, inazumamoonlight18, tallneckruins18, thelichking07, hanamipicnic02

Trade Logs

12/09/2023 ------------
- Traded Yujing: my angels05, classicparty09, mc-Eli for dancingwithcasita12, dancingwithcasita19, mc-Yujing

12/02/2023 ------------
- Traded Lex: my harleyquinn07, harleyquinn15, sakuraflight08, sakuraflight09, sakuraflight13, mc-Eli for inazumamoonlight20, aquariumadventure18, intothedeepforest15, tanabatawishes07, willothewisps19, mc-Lex

11/14/2023 ------------
- Traded Inky: my ironman04, newmail06, sistergrimm04, sistergrimm07 for willothewisps18, aquariumadventure10, aquariumadventure11, aquariumadventure12

11/06/2023 ------------
- Traded Lulu: my floragala11, mc-Eli for hideandseek11, mc-Lulu

11/02/2023 ------------
- Traded Jamie: my birthdaytussle01, birthdaytussle17, mc-Eli for newyearfireworks04, newyearfireworks19, mc-Jamie

11/01/2023 ------------
- Traded Yujing: my sakuraflight19 for inazumamoonlight13

10/30/2023 ------------
- Traded Emelie: my thelichking07, mc-Eli for newyearfireworks15, mc-Emelie

10/24/2023 ------------
- Traded Hershey: my thelichking06, mc-Eli for inazumamoonlight01, mc-Hershey
- Traded Kayori: my dreaminginsakura03, mc-Eli for hideandseek12, mc-Kayori

10/21/2023 ------------
- Traded Inky: my aflickofawand11, mc-Eli for hideandseek16, mc-Inky